Data Sources and Targets Reference

The following is a list of built-in data sources supported by Pyramid. For information about how to configure data sources in the Admin tool, click here.

Pyramid also supports custom connectors, which can be configured in the Admin console.

  • Click here to learn about custom connectors.



Direct Query


Compatible with Pulse






Local file upload, or pointer to a shared file on a network drive

Amazon Athena


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Amazon S3


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Apache Drill

Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Apache Hive

Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Apache Presto

Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Azure Blob



Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Azure Synapse


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Custom JDBC



Requires setup and configuration in Administration




Requires setup and configuration in Administration


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

DB2 AS400

Requires setup and configuration in Administration




Requires setup and configuration in Administration


Requires setup and configuration in Administration




Local file upload, or pointer to a shared file on a network drive, or URL Address





Requires setup and configuration in Administration



Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Glue (Datavard)




Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Google Analytics


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Google BigQuery


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Google Sheets




ID or URL address

Greenplum (Pivotal)

Requires setup and configuration in Administration


Requires setup and configuration in Administration





Local file upload, or pointer to a shared file on a network drive, or URL Address


Requires setup and configuration in Administration



Requires setup and configuration in Administration.

MS OLAP sources can be directly queried without any setup in Model.

MS Tabular


Includes Azure SSAS Tabular.

Requires setup and configuration in Administration.

Tabular sources can be directly queried without any setup in Model.

MS Tabular models can be built in Model by connecting to an SQL target, and then loading the model's metadata into a Tabular target.

Mongo BI CX


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Multi Files





Enter the shared folder path and the files to include in the upload. Each file must have the same structure (columns).

Note: this data source is not available in the Community Edition.


Requires setup and configuration in Administration




Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Neo4j BI Connector



Requires setup and configuration in Administration


Requires setup and configuration in Administration



Requires configuration in the client (add the node to the Data Flow and enter the OData Service URL in the Properties panel)



Requires setup and configuration in Administration - click here for details.

ODBC Direct



Requires setup and configuration in Administration - click ODBC Setupfor details.


Requires setup and configuration in Administration


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Pyramid In Memory



Use Pyramid's in memory database as a datasource and/ or target. Click here to learn more.

Pyramid Queries




Use Pyramid reports (data discoveries) as a data source. Click here to learn more.

Python as a source




Only supported in Model Pro

R as a source




Only supported in Model Pro



Requires setup and configuration in Administration





Add the Feed URL in the Properties panel




Requires setup and configuration in Administration




Requires setup and configuration in Administration.

Supports direct querying only - there is no option to build an ETL for SAP BW. Click here to learn more.


Requires setup and configuration in Administration.

Both ETL and direct querying are supported for SAP HANA. Click here to learn more.

SAS Data Set




Local file upload, or pointer to a shared .sas7bdat file on a network drive, or URL Address

SharePoint Lists



Requires setup and configuration in Administration


Requires setup and configuration in Administration



Requires setup and configuration in Administration




Requires setup and configuration in Administration

SQL Server

Requires setup and configuration in Administration

SQL Server Azure


Requires setup and configuration in Administration

Sybase / SAP

Requires setup and configuration in Administration - select Shared Folder property


Requires setup and configuration in Administration





Local file upload, or pointer to a shared file on a network drive, or URL Address. Select the encoding of the file. Supports both Fixed Width Column files, and Delimited files. Custom delimiters are supported - type the delimiter in the Delimiters window in the Properties panel.





Requires setup and configuration in Administration


Requires setup and configuration in Administration





Local file upload, or pointer to a shared file on a network drive, or URL Address

Note: If users have rights, they can setup configurable data sources themselves directly from inside the data modeling tools.

Pass-through Direct Query

Pass-through datasources can be natively queried by Pyramid with direct queries. This means that the data does not need to be pre-processed or copied by Pyramid (or any other technology) before it can be queried by users.

  • Click here to learn more about direct querying.

Note: MS Analysis Services (OLAP and Tabular) can be directly queried using their existing cubes and tabular models.

Data Targets

'Targets' in data preparation allows Pyramid to mash up data and WRITE the resulting database to the targeted technology and designated server. Given that Pyramid can write to a variety of data stacks, the targeting options give users a wide variety of options on where to build intermediate models and how to correct issues with their data before they start the analysis process.

  • Click here to learn more about targets.


A number of datasources are compatible with Pulse. When connecting to a Pulse datasource, you may opt to directly query the datasource, or you may add select or multi-select nodes to perform data streaming.

  • Click here to learn more about Pulse, including how to configure Pulse nodes in the Admin console.